Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dum Dum Dummmm

So, school is almost over for the year. Yay. I hope I pass. I'm pretty confident that I will no thanks to my inability to do my work. I find that I'm like this allover the spectrum including home life. My room is the physical manifestation of this problem. Such is life I guess but it's definitely something I am going to work on this summer so I'm an all around more organized person. I hate being unorganized, thus my entire life is a big contradiction in that aspect. I find my messy life affects the way I view myself. I am a very pessimistic person when it comes to my organizational skill.

I really can't decide what else I want to write about so I am going to leave you guys with that little anecdote. It's better than nothing and hopefully Mr. Miller will check it, I think he has my blog URL.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today is Wednesday. It's trash day and I really don't like placing our garbage at the end of my driveway. Every time I say my about something that is at home it gives me this awkward feeling like I'm taking possession of something that isn't mine through grammar. I sincerely hope I'm not the only one with this problem, but if I am I guess that makes me all the more unique. Like all the times I post on here, I let ideas run through my mind. Tonight I feel like talking specifically about my high school celibacy. No going out or dating anyone is entirely a choice of mine. My parents have never forced dating abstinence upon me. I just don't like the quality of relationships developed in high school. I will admit that dating in high school such would probably make me all the more experienced later in life, but still I can't find any purposeful reason to even try to do so. I just can't find a valid reason to even contemplate trying. Other than my lack of proficient social skills, I also am not in any way, shape, or form emotionally attracted to anyone. I'm not going to lie, I've been physically attracted to a fairly decent share of the ladies at Northern Lebanon, but that's it, it's all physical.

I'm am not your normal teenage male. If there were a physical list that I could show people of what is most important in a girlfriend, and quite even potentially wife, looks would rank below personality and emotional attraction. Now I am really getting ahead of myself here, but to clarify the mention of "wife" I tend to think of what I want for myself in the future a heck of a lot. You know, an abnormal amount. While most teenage guys are thinking about which girl they'd like to hook up with this weekend, I'm usually contemplating my future family or something of that nature. I am like an albino in a group black gorillas.

Now this uniqueness is probably attributed to the reason I receive the frequent accusations of homosexuality that seemingly fly my way everyday. Years of incessant idiocy from those who I wish I could erase from the list of people we have to call our peers has left me tough-skinned and I usually just let the stupidity slide down my back. There are times that I wish a could annihilate the cretins that go to my school and erase them from existence, but I don't think I could ever get that violent, heck, I won't even bury pets myself. I bet that has a lot to do with the attachment we develop while having that particular pet, but I'll eventually get over that just like all the other things in my life I've gotten over. Anyway, I am introverted at times which is why I tend to keep the things most important to me protected within the confines of my mind.

Introversion is not always a bad thing, but I think it will prevent me from having a meaningful relationship when I finally decide to take up dating. I want to change that and thanks to you guys I'm making progress. Slowly but surely I'm maturing into something that I wan to be rather than something the world wants me to be. Surprisingly, 3 years into high school I was offered cannabis for the first time, it's not something you here in the world of hearing adults saying that many teenagers are faced with being offered illicit substances by their peers. I know that prescription drug abuse is prevalent, and I have been offered pill from time to time by people who will remain nameless, even though they are heartless jerks a large majority of the time. After having the perception that as soon as I entered high school I was going to get bombarded by myriad types of drugs I have been pleasantly surprised from the lack thereof. I thank my family and friends for that and for associating myself, a large majority of the time, with people who jibe with my standards and what I want in my friends.

In closing, what I really want to say is, every single one of my friends are absolutely and undeniably awesome. I couldn't ask for more from you guys, unless it was lunch money. Just kidding about that last one, but the rest of it is true. Erin, whenever you want that hug just ask. you were obviously jealous on Tuesday. If you've gotten this far, thank you for taking the time to read my unorganized anecdotes and opinions about my life and everyone in it.

Enjoy the weekend.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I've always wanted to write a story, but I'm too lazy. So here's a cat pushing a watermelon out of lake instead.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I have nothing of note to post about today so here's a rabbit with pancakes on it's head.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


According to our planner, wambling is what your stomach does when you are hungry. And people wonder why I know so much random junk. Anyway, I think I've got a good topic to sink my fangs into tonight.

I don't think I've been very vocal about this, but I think now is better than never to address it. Relationships, and my views about my choices and others. I know it isn't my business to talk about other people but getting stuff like this out of my system make me feel a bit liberated to be rid of a weight on my mind such as things like these are.

Now, time to get to business. One of my secret vices, which I guess isn't so secret anymore, is watching people going through relationships. I think these observations are a little unfair on my part and kind of creepy, but nonetheless it's more of a information mining activity than anything else. All the stuff I see gets filed in the great library in my head for later reference. I can't tell you how many times my friends have asked my advice about how to go about their problems knowing full well that I don't have the experiences to comment with reliable information. It absolutely blows my mind. I can remember one time when I got asked about how to go around telling their parents that they had a girlfriend. Seriously, you cannot make this stuff up! I believe all of these happening in my life are for my own good and they'll probably better prepare me when I actually decide to test out this dating thing. That brings me to the second thing I want to address withing the topic I established at the beginning of this post.

I am a phenomenon. I haven't ever had a girlfriend. I haven't ever gone on a simple date with a girl nor have I ever kissed a girl. I am a lip virgin, per se. I've contemplating breaking that barrier more times than you can think, but every time it comes down to it I shoot down that notion like a sniper. Contrary to what I've told many people, there are girls that I like, but that's about the extent of it. No crushing, no obsessions, nada. Crushes are a useless waste of time unless you actually act upon your desires. I think that if I ever developed a crush on someone I probably wouldn't act upon it because I would look like a complete idiot if I did. Anyway, my lack of relationship experience is nothing really all that important but I'm glad I was able to unload in this incredibly long post that I am making longer by by rambling on incessantly about pretty much insignificant ideas that ooze out of my cranium. I really want to make this post longer but my tiredness and the way I've written this post prevent me from accomplishing that.

As the great William Shakespeare put as the title of a play: There is much ado about nothing.

That's the story of my life.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I don't have anything of value to post about tonight, so I'm just going to ramble on about things that pop into my head. The unfortunate thing about doing that is that there isn't anything to provoke my random factoid center of my brain, but I guess I'm achieving what I set out to do in the first place. Maybe the fact that I've listened to 13500 songs since last year will astound you. Since I'm on the topic of music, I'll add the little factoid of my 5400 song music collection. It tends to grow everyday I've listened to about 3/4 of the songs I have in there and plan on getting through all of them at least once. I'd attribute these large numbers to the fact that I have no life outside of school. I never go out with friends, I don't really talk to my friends that much unless I'm at school, and even then it's to the minimum because I don't have an entire day with the people I like to talk to. I am essentially a loser. I strive to socialize more but I fail with each step. My only solace is the hot silicon that resides within my PC case. That probably sounds dirtier than it actually is, but it's completely true. I spend more time in front of the computer than I spend with the carbon based life forms that are my friends. If people were made of silicon and aluminum I'd probably be swimming in friends.

I am extremely thankful for my friends and I'd probably be a fat, greasy and all around unlikable person without them. I think that's enough about how much of a loser I am. Maybe the next post will be a little happier. I hope so.
I was going to write a post, but then played Bubble Tank 2.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


As I sit here contemplating what to post about, I tend to let many things run across my mind. Sometimes it is complete nonsense, which is an unfortunate artifact of my time on the internet. I sincerely hope that eventually that part of my quirkiness fades away never to haunt me again, but that seems improbable as long as I frequent the websites I do. I've made an effort to cut out the craziest of them and I've been successful thus far, but my insanity always find a way to seep through the cracks in my cool, calm and serious façade. This very occurrence make me look like I'm never as the adjective listed and it is particularly untrue. Those of you reading are certainly expecting the tone of my previous posts but I assure you it will not come. This will be one of my serious, critical and contemplative posts. I think that doing one of these once a week is good for my psyche and for all those who choose to be any measure of being close to me.

I wanted to write some other stuff in here, but the words evade me unfortunately...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Prom is Meh.

So. It's prom weekend. I hope everyone has fun because I'll be at home doing housework. Yay for me! I'm also going to go see the Star Trek movie that just came out. It looks promising. I really hope it is, actually. because I'm going to be doing nothing fun this weekend. Seriously. Nothing at all.

I got a babysitting offer last night but it was midnight so I couldn't respond immediately. I think I might take that up because I need money, soon.

I also think I might finish this post at a later time

You know, I don't really feel like finishing this post. Deal with it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

....TO THE MAX!!!!

Somebody give me ideas for this little thought sink of mine. I want a redesign, but I am not the most creative crayon.

Colors, layout, and other designs will be considered. Keep it as as neutral as possible.
And I forgot. Incorporate my title and phrase. That's important. If you forget you will be shunned, like Charlie, the nonbeliever.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Well. I. have. decided. to . write. this. entire. post. in. single. word. sentences. I. think. it. will. be. fun. to. do. this. for. one. post. How. many. of. you. guys. can. understand. this.

Ok, thats enough of that.

Did anyone see that someone from India read my blog? He probably had a heart attack and died because of the content on this site. It's Crazy!

I'm Crazy.

We're All Crazy!

Friday, May 1, 2009

RAWR is dinosaur for I love you.