Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dum Dum Dummmm

So, school is almost over for the year. Yay. I hope I pass. I'm pretty confident that I will no thanks to my inability to do my work. I find that I'm like this allover the spectrum including home life. My room is the physical manifestation of this problem. Such is life I guess but it's definitely something I am going to work on this summer so I'm an all around more organized person. I hate being unorganized, thus my entire life is a big contradiction in that aspect. I find my messy life affects the way I view myself. I am a very pessimistic person when it comes to my organizational skill.

I really can't decide what else I want to write about so I am going to leave you guys with that little anecdote. It's better than nothing and hopefully Mr. Miller will check it, I think he has my blog URL.

1 comment:

B. Christman said...

Most people agree that disorganization is a sign of genius... That's the excuse I use for being unorganized anyway...