Monday, September 29, 2008


The mix between a dog and and Aardvark. It would probably look weird and very odd as well. Plus my computer chair is broken. Well, whatever. I don't really care.

I love Elios Pizza. It may not be good for me but I could eat a whole box myself. I think I might random post tomorrow. I hope that it won't not make sense. That would be very very bad. i will probably also fail english at the end of this marking period ut oh what the heck. i don't care. I will just have to work twenty billion times as hard in the coming marking periods. Maybe if I tell Mr. Miller my blog URL at the end of the marking period it might change.

Maybe it won't but once again oh well.

Oh well. What a measly phrase. I should stop using it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monday. Monday. Monday. Plus a dose of craziness

Gerbil rodents are intelligible aardvarks that have no complexity in their anti-social structure. they eat cauliflower and fart rainbows as well as create babies with pitchforks. Sensibility and Unseeing potatoes eat cow manure when they are bloated and giant raccoons are pandas eating bamboo grass.

Antelopes play Texas Hold'em with rattlesnakes who actually have opposable tigers for chickens. Nine out of Five children like to eat railroad stakes for breakfinner and chimichangas have souls.

Tapir soup is a delicacy in Nexamexicanada and chickens. Snide remarks from elephant are arguably genteel.

Believe it or not kumquats grow legs when they are sad.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Last post!

Finally this week is winding down. It was ok. I need to keep up on this blog thing. Unfortunately I never gave my URL to Mr. Miller so my grades suck still. I will probably remember eventually. I keep realizing that this blog is just wasting megabytes on the internet. Just stagnating but if I keep posting It will probably stay on here. Post

Post. Post. Post.

This seems like a chore. But it's school so I will have to deal with it. Working on my research project is interesting. I keep having a hard time finding stuff to post about. There goes another unintelligible paragraph. I think my next post on Monday of next week will purposely not make any sense.

Sound like a good idea? I certainly think so.

Adios for now muchacho!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

2 More this week-this post included

I guess I gave up on that every day thing to fast. But whatever. I say whatever on here a lot. It's kind of sad. But I must keep typing.

Homecoming is in a couple of weeks and I'm contemplating whether to go or not. I guess only time will tell. Such is life.

I am also kind of on the rocks now too. I have 6 bucks left in my Bank account and that is really going to kill me if I don't get stuff in by the 22nd of next month. I will come up with it somehow. What else should I write about.

Bacon sounds good. There is this site called Bacontoday it looks awesome. You should check it out you invisible spectre of some sort. I think this is a good sized post how about you. It is filled with all manners of awesome things like bacon and ghosts and keyboard skills. Anyway talk to you tommorow blog ghost.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I own one of these. I have a lot of fun with it but I haven't used it much since I don't have any new games for it and I haven't had a reason to. My screen is really scratched up and It needs some love.

I have a Wii too but I don't play much anymore either. It's sad. I guess I've just been too busy. Plus procrastinating doesn't help either. I want an Xbox 360 but I guess if I don't play that either it'll be doomed to the same fate.

My paragraphs are way to short. They should be longer. Maybe I should post a video or a picture. Maybe not.

That paragraph made no sense! Soon none of my posts will make sense!

The End

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I love/hate the internet

It is the love of me an it is the bane of me. I can't stand it and I can't go without it. I have half a mind to just get rid of my internet connection. Thanks to the internet a lot of my classes now use stuff on the internet so it is inescapable, but I digress. The internet is almost infinitely useful to me.

Once again here is more filler! I think I am at least getting better and A little more witty wit these blog posts. More more more! How do you like that? That's a song and I have no idea what it is so I am just putting random junk in here. Once again that sentence made no sense

Sentence that make no sense are a waste of space but whatever! I need to post as much as possible. I love engadget. I i love it because it's a great tech blog. I wish I could apply myself...

Well I guess this is the last demi-paragraph of this post and now I will have to go spellcheck everything.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Heroes is premiering tonight. I'm very, very excited. It's been off the air for a while. I anticipate that it will be all that I've been waiting for! I think from now on I am going to post every day just for the heck of it. I guess at that it may guarantee me a good grade with these. I still can't believe how hard it is to type stuff on these blogs!

I guess it will just be filler everyday. Every single day about absolutely nothing. I know eventually I am going to run out of random crap to write. It's actually kind of ridiculous in my opinion.

Facebook. Facebook is cool and I like using it. Myspace. Myspace is OK but I hate it's layout and I think it is full of internet pedophiles...

Well that's about All I think I can type for now at least. I guess the more filler for this post is what is going to end this madness.

P.S. That Last post made no sense

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lord I don't post enough

I gotta keep up with these blogs. I think I did a pretty good job with this week but I have no idea how this next week is going to fare. I think it will be abysmal and I will be a complete failure. I also have to do lots of homework. It's starting to pile up and begin to suffocate me. I have lots of projects due next week. Some of them are really interesting, and kind of intrigue me.

I don't really think I have a good grasp of what to post on these blogs.

I hate blogging. I hate it and I detest it. Especially if I have to do it for a grade. It makes me not want to write-and/or type if that be the case. I hate reading for a grade, unless it's a book I choose.

I rant way too much. I wonder if that has been noticed by the non-existent blog readers that preside here. I think my blog is read by ghosts. They can't leave me any comments which makes me sad.

I wish ghosts helped me write my blog. It would be lots of fun!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


The rest of my junior year is going to be interesting...

I get to take the SAT in November. It will be so much fun! I get to get my brain drained. I might take the PSAT the month before I take my SAT. Hopefully I will do well. Surely I will get above 1400...

I think my class us full of buffoons sometimes. It makes my head explode from their sheer stupidity. Freaking crazy. I laugh most of the time though. Then there are other times where they are just plain mean. That makes my blood boil. Sometimes I just want to backhand people. I may be an angry bugger, but It makes me afraid for the future of this country. If the world is going to be ran be these idiots, our economy will stay in the dirt.

Speaking of a dirt economy, I guess it won't be any different than how the country is ran now. Greed and Lust for money is rampant in Wall Street and it just makes me sick to my stomach. We elected these people to run our country and look what they have done with their power. it's just completely shameful.

I think that was a decent rant...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I like music. I may have said this already but I really do. It's a great thing. Unless, that is, it's that crap that's really popular these days. You know, the rappers that don't have any eloquence to their verbiage unlike some of those out there today.

I have over 4200 songs on my Zune. Do you think that is too much? I do.

I don't know how to fill these blog posts so I have a coherent thing. It's a good thing no-one reads these posts. I don't read them either. I sneeze a lot. It's seasonal allergies, and they suck. I have another blog. I guy impersonating Steve Ballmer likes posting there. I should pretend to be J Allard then.

Another post, another day then...



I have way to many jackets. I also have way to many T-shirts as well. I have a lot of stuff that I don't really need too. It's kind of stupid if you ask me. It's also an utter waste of space.

I guess it really depends on what your definition of excess is. I have been planning on removing some shirts from my collection for a while now. Your guess is as good as mine as to why I haven't done it yet. When I say "your", who exactly am I talking to? Does anyone actually read this blog? I guess I only do this for a grade. But what is the significance of doing this only for a grade? Does it make doing this meaningful.

Does this make our writing somehow better? It's like typing a gigantic text message. I haven't read any other kids blogs, but I can assume most of them are like the blogs on Myspace. Poorly written. Poorly edited and for the most part pointless and to the point. I guess I'll just do this as long as I need to.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Last Post for the Round

This is my last post for the second round of posts. I need to stop procrastinating until I need to show Mr. Miller my blogs. Don't you think I suck?

Have a Nice Day. This is a cool Bon Jovi song, unfortunately I pulled Bon Jovi off my Zune because I don't listen to him much. Shame...

I love calimari, it's a delicious seafood dish. It's squid. I should have some Octopus calimari. It might be delicious. I wonder what a quadrupus looks like.

This kind of posting remind me of Twitter. I wish more of my friends were on Twitter. Maybe I would have more fun.

Some of my classmates are goofy. I think they might attack me If they ever saw these posts but, whatever. I don't think any hematomas or contusions would affect me..Much.

Hasta Luego.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This "word" was used extensively by my friends when I was in middle school. I think it's quite an interesting word at that. I love reading blogs. Engadget, Lifehacker, and Kotaku are my favorites. I recommend Engadget. It's a tech blog, but it has other interesting stuff. I need to fill this blog post as much as possible before Mr. Miller comes and reads my blogs. It's kind of bad that I need to do this. I should of worked on the extra blogs at home, but I didn't

It's fun going to the mall people watching. Have you ever gone people watching? I don't remember the last time I went people watching but I know it was fun. I hate NetTrekker again. It's a retarded search engine that should be DDoSed It think it would serve them right. I would never do it though DDoS attacks are illegal. I wish I could DDoS some websites, but alas, I am a law abiding citizen.

I don't think obeying the law is a bad thing though. It's good when you don't get in trouble but there are some really stupid laws.

Have a nice day!

Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm going to read this book for Accelerated Reader. It looks interesting. It's by Franz Kafka. It's about a guy who turns into a beetle. It should be rather easy for me to finish, but it is a rather complex story. I have until the end of October to finish it so I should be good.

I don't do nearly as much as should with these blogs. It's kind of sad. Plus I need to post two post before the end of class on Monday. I fail!

Most of what I type here is filler so I don't get a bad grade. I like being honest so there ya go.

Tomorrow the 3.0 Zune software comes out. I have an appointment to help someone with their computer that day so when I am done I am probably going to go home and download the software. Maybe I'll ask my dad to turn on the internet earlier, but I don't really think it matters much now.

Thanks for reading my posts!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I hate freshman. Except a select few. The rest...yeah.

I'm rather excited for September 16th. That is the day when the Zune 3.0 software is released. It will be very interesting to see how everything looks after it is downloaded. Many people in the community are excited for it. I suck at Trig. Very, very much so. I need to learn what to do better. If I don't I will utterly fail.

I want to change the URL of my blog. I don't really like it anymore. I wish I could. I need to put more posts on this blog. Maybe I should make a ginormous post like last week. That would probably be smart, Don't you think?

Monday, September 8, 2008


They are absolutely awesome little devices. Much better than iPods in my opinion. Let me diatribe about these fascinating little devices originating from the software giant, Microsoft.

They feature a larger screen compared to iPods in the same generation. They have WiFi and can send songs in between each other. Soon you can download songs through the device itself. It is absolutely a marvel of modern technology. I really dislike iPods mainly because of the flock mentality associated with them.

Other than my mild dislike for iPods, I do think that Apple is innovative when it comes to enticing it's customers. If only Microsoft could be that way...

More posts to come!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I found this awesome website last night. It's awesome and it's called I laughed. I guess this'll be my last post for the duration until I want to do another post. 5 posts. that makes me feel that I am a bad person since I didn't finish them until right now. I think I need to make this long for no reason for ever. Graham just said he needed a nap. I agree. I think I need one too. I think this post is long enough now so I am going to publish it.




That's all I have to say about today...I need to sleep. I am such a bad person at going to sleep. It makes me feel like a Zombie. I need to go to sleep now. I guess I'll go and finish my laundry so I can go to sleep. I also think that I', stupid for not doing my homework again. I should be kicked in the shins and poked in the eyes. I'm also going to go and check to see if my mum made any money off of her blog. I'm trying to help her with it. Maybe we can do good at it.

I just realized that the grammar in my last paragraph sucked. I guess I need to listen in English more. My last post will be as soon as I get into English class today

Bye Bye

Thursday, September 4, 2008


LOLcat's are awesome. You should check them out.

Have you ever had Kobe beef? It's delicious. It's absolutely expensive though. I'm glad I didn't pay for it when I got it.

I like music too. I have about 4000 songs in my collection. I think it's a little too much, but what do I care?

I think my previous post was way too long. but I guess I'll have to live with it.

I like writing in short paragraphs. It reminds me of Twitter.

You should join twitter. It's cool. I need to go to bed now but I can't. I have to finish laundry.

Have you ever seen pictures of stars around the universe. I have an animted image that'll just blow your mind. It's up there


I think it's cool.

Well, bye for now!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


School has been really interesting. I think having a period 10 lunch makes the day go faster so I can mellow out during the last two periods of the day. I wish my sophomore and freshman year could of went that fast.

Believe it or not, I hate doing homework. I hate it with the burning passion of a thousand supergiant stars. It surprises me that I have gotten this far in high school without failing. I really like the internet. It makes me happy inside. I plan on majoring in computer science after I graduate.

I think that was the most pointless paragraph I've ever written in my entire life. It should be banned from ever being publish and burnt until there is nothing left. I'm beginning to think that I am a horrible writer. Maybe I should be banned. It would probably make some people very happy, but it would obviously make many other people sad.

I like eavesdropping. It's fun to listen people talk about how "hot" someone is or who is stupid. I think that I shouldn't drop the eaves, but I do it a lot.

I want September to be over. I hate the first month of school. It's so boring and monotonous. It makes me think of things that bore me. Considering that I am a slacker, I think of myself first. I then think about old people who act old. They bore me to utmost degree, that is, unless they are telling a cool story. Erin Howie writes a lot. I wonder what she is thinking about when she types her humongous blog posts. I think this post is getting really long, but I don't really care. I'm probably going to post another post when I get home tonight.

By the way, if the school hadn't of changed blocking programs, I couldn't be writing this in school.I don't really want to stop writing so I guess I'll name some books I like. I really liked Fahrenheit 451. I was expecting it to be the same as the other stupid books I was told to read when I was in 9th grade. I hated "To Kill a Mocking Bird. I hated "A Separate Peace" as well. My Antonia was good as well, but I hated how it ended. It was ridiculous. I like ridiculous. I think my word diriculous should be the opposite of ridiculous.

Some people say i need a girlfriend but I don't think so. Don't get me wrong It would be nice to have one, but I don't see the point. Most teen love never lasts.

I went to Las Vegas right before school. I don't think I've ever seen so many strip clubs in my entire life. I also don't think I've ever seen ads for prostitutes anywhere other than Vegas. I think the only place worth going in Vegas is the fountain at the Bellagio.

I think that should about count up for the last week I didn't post.
