Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I love/hate the internet

It is the love of me an it is the bane of me. I can't stand it and I can't go without it. I have half a mind to just get rid of my internet connection. Thanks to the internet a lot of my classes now use stuff on the internet so it is inescapable, but I digress. The internet is almost infinitely useful to me.

Once again here is more filler! I think I am at least getting better and A little more witty wit these blog posts. More more more! How do you like that? That's a song and I have no idea what it is so I am just putting random junk in here. Once again that sentence made no sense

Sentence that make no sense are a waste of space but whatever! I need to post as much as possible. I love engadget. I i love it because it's a great tech blog. I wish I could apply myself...

Well I guess this is the last demi-paragraph of this post and now I will have to go spellcheck everything.

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