Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monday. Monday. Monday. Plus a dose of craziness

Gerbil rodents are intelligible aardvarks that have no complexity in their anti-social structure. they eat cauliflower and fart rainbows as well as create babies with pitchforks. Sensibility and Unseeing potatoes eat cow manure when they are bloated and giant raccoons are pandas eating bamboo grass.

Antelopes play Texas Hold'em with rattlesnakes who actually have opposable tigers for chickens. Nine out of Five children like to eat railroad stakes for breakfinner and chimichangas have souls.

Tapir soup is a delicacy in Nexamexicanada and chickens. Snide remarks from elephant are arguably genteel.

Believe it or not kumquats grow legs when they are sad.


Archeanthus said...

This made me split my gut, which is easy to do these days since it was already split once....

Michelle said...

This made me split my gut, which is easy to do these days since it was already split once....